Make Media Happen!

Nerdy Media Learn invites our communities to join our youth and adult programming

We make it easy to go from media NOVICE to media NERD.

Connect your "nerdy" interest with digital media skill development. Transform your brilliant idea into a real-world project.

Project-based learning where each session is designed to guide you through every phase of media production.

Launch a Brand! Sign up for courses designed to help you plan, scale and sustain a digital brand.


You'll go from Media Novice to Media Nerd in no time. Learn, connect and finally launch your amazing media project! Explore our programs and sign up today!

  Youth (Ages 16 - 20)


Media: Podcasting, Digital Media, Video Production

Career Readiness: Avibe and MODE

Adults (21+)


Media: Podcasting, Digital Media, Video Production

Brand Strategy: Ready to launch that awesome idea… well…Every awesome idea starts with a plan, get started with our proven Brand Strategy workshops, 3-4, 45min sessions that will help you plan a 6 month to 1 year brand strategy.